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The Russia House

It is the third summer of perestroika. Barley Blair, London publisher, receives a smuggled document from Moscow. It contains technical information of overwhelming importance. But is it genuine? Is the author genuine? A plant? A madman? Blair, jazz-loving, drink-marinated, dishevelled, is hardly to the taste of the spymasters, yet he has to be used - sent to the Soviet Union to make contact. Katya, the Moscow intermediary, is beautiful, thoughtful, equally sceptical of all state ideology. Together, as the safe clichegrave;s of hostility disintegrate, they may represent the future - an idea that is anathema to the entrenched espionage professionals on both sides. THE RUSSIA HOUSE: a spy story, a love story, and a fable for our time.
ISBN: 0-340-51121-4

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добавил(a):   andrus   (Андрей) 500 RUBруб
продам 1 марта 2025
состояние 5
год выпуска 1990
город Москва
Издательство: Coronet Books
Переплет: мягкий; 432 страниц; 1990 г.
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