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Категории >> Здравоохранение. Медицинские науки >> Клиническая медицина в целом >> Общая терапия

Shiatsu: Japanese Finger-Pressure Therapy

"Shiatsu, the finger-pressure therapy, can give new stamina to the office worker and can spur him on to achievements he never dreamed possible. The teacher who tries it will find himself able to turn dullards into top-grade scholars; the wife who knows shiatsu will have a more contented, healthier husband. If you try it on your own body you will soon both look better and feel better. Shiatsu can help you guard against colds, stomach disorders, cerebral hemorrhage, and even cancer. Some of you may think that in claiming such results I am going too far, but, at the risk of sounding boastful, I would like to say that I have been a specialist in this field for forty-two years and that I have given satisfaction to more than 100000 patients. I am the founder of the Nippon Shiatsu School, now in its twenty-eight years, which has graduated 20000 qualified shiatsu specialists. I have written this book, as the product of my many years of experience, in the firm belief that shiatsu can help each individual to a healthier, more constructive life. Since I feel that, in our age, we must offer what we know to others in the hope of building a better society now, in my early sixties, I have poured into this work the essence of all my knowledge. This book represents the heart of shiatsu treatment.
Whereas in some cases a short shiatsu period is adequate, other cases require longer. My basic aim is to convince the people of today, already prone to rely too heavily on medicines and shots, that even brief shiatsu treatments can reveal the truly astounding life powers of the human body."
Tokujiro Namikoshi
ISBN: 0-87040-169-6

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добавил(a):   andrus   (Андрей) 500 RUBруб
продам 19 февраля 2025
состояние 5
год выпуска 1988
город Москва
Издательство: Japan Publications
Переплет: мягкий; 84 страниц; 1988 г.
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