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How to Wish Bad Things On Your Enemies... the Evil Eye & Beyond
S. Rob
Some magic is primal and basic and instinctual and very powerful, but most has some other element which means that people have managed to make it more effective through technique, but the nearest anyone gets to pure straight up undiluted magic is wishing. The wish is just what it seems, a wish, but of course there are ways to wish things onto your enemy such as the best way: that is the way that gives you the most powerful effect. It is easy to think of wishing as not powerful and not quite normal magic, and in many ways it isn't normal magic: but the power of wishing has long been recognised. There exists and still much used an evil eye emblem which exists solely to protect someone from the evil eye: the evil eye is a type of wish, and described at its most rudimentary form it is just a person looking at a person with hate. This of course brings me to an important part of wishing bad things on your enemies and that is you need to want it to happen and not just will it, but hate them enough for it to happen.
Chapter 1
Exercise in producing and controlling anger
How to cast the "Evil Eye" on someone
Chapter 2
Sequence to visualise for clumsiness
Chapter 3
Variation 1 wishing for enemy to lose money
Variation 2 wishing for enemy to lose money
Variation 3 wishing for enemy to lose money
Chapter 4
Wishing someone a broken limb
Wishing someone a broken arm
Wishing someone a broken leg
The grand break wish
Chapter 5
Wishing a person dead by heart attack
Wishing for a person to die of lung cancer and other lung problems
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5 января 2025
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2015 |
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How to Wish Bad Things On Your Enemies... the Evil Eye & Beyond
Издательство: Solar-Vision Publishing
Переплет: мягкий; 44 страниц; 2015 г.
ISBN: 1-4785-2365-7; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
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Аurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi.
Sapienti sat.
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