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PILLARS Perichoresis Anthology

Note that this Book shall be THE definitive and Deluxe Edition of PILLARS Volume 1, and shall never be re-printed. Strictly Limited to 393 copies

Being the Anthological Edition of the inceptive trilogy of PILLARS occult periodical journal. Be it: Issue. 1 ‘Psychopompos, ' Issue. 2 ‘The Golden Eitr' and Issue. 3 ‘The Ebon Kteis. ' Curated, assembled and edited by G. McCaughry via Anathema Publishing.

It has been a long time coming, and a personal dream of mine, to finally be able to re-publish the material that made PILLARS journals great from the get-go. Underlining once and for all, how much our esteemed Contributors, were paramount to the ongoing evolution of Anathema Publishing's vision. Compiled under various over-arching themes, that, however seemingly cryptic at times, do share common threads, exuding definite passion & devotion for the Mystery Arte.

The end result is a book overflowing with potent texts, crucial information, inspirational works, gorgeous art pieces, and so much craft featured therein (Articles, Poems, Incantations, Magickal Procedures, Academic Studies, Seals, Sigils, full page illustrations, et cetera)! All beautifully bound in a thick, slightly oversized, Hardcover book of utmost quality, and a most stunning presentation design by artist José Gabriel Alegría Saboga.

It has been decided that there shall be but only one official iteration of this Anthology, for the sole logical reason that the customary ‘Standard' editions of PILLARS were the ones published a few years ago (which are now sold-out), and that ‘Perichoresis' in itself, IS the ‘Deluxe' edition of those three journals combined.

CONTENTS (Texts & Visuals) by:
Shani Oates, Yoann Lossel, Sarah Anne Lawless, Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold, Asenath Mason, Ash Nostro Morg, Vaenus Obscura, José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal, Kyle Fite, Xonia Abyssos, Stewart Clelland, Angela Edwards, Matthew Venus, Mitchell Nolte, Lukasz Grochocki, Pierre Perichaud, Glyn Smyth, Leon Ka, Alexander L. Brown, Robin-the-Dart, Hagen Von Tulien, Humberto Maggi, Antithesis, Nikolai Saunders, Andrieh Vitimus, Edgar Kerval, Néstor Avalos, Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule, S. Ben Qayin, Kevin Foy, Paul McCarroll, Matthew Wightman, Lupe Vasconcelos, Santiago Caruso, Abby Helasdottir, Natalia Drepina, Members of the Temple of THEM, Semjaza 131, Patrick J. Larabee, Mogg Morgan, Akherra Phasmatanás, FN Vegas, G. McCaughry, Samuel Araya, Krist Mort.

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комментарий владельца:
PILLARS Perichoresis Anthology
Издательство: Canada: Anathema Publishing
Переплет: твердый; 368 страниц; 2016 г.
ISBN: 978-0-9949111-1-7; Формат: энциклопедический
Язык: английский

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Sapienti sat.

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