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Религия. Мистика. Свободомыслие
Path of Atavistic Violence
Path of Atavistic Violence is the result of several ritualistic sessions where the author, WxTen, reached that point where the practitioner is in perfect harmony with his or her personal journey towards the Left Hand Path, that point when one starts to destroy the shackles of outside limitations built upon inside weaknesses. It condenses the result of following what the author calls the Primary Atavistic Path of Immediate Violence. This is the shortest and most direct path between the self of an alienated person and his or hers archaic self, uninhibited and free of any obsolete chains. The P. A. P. I. V. aims to achieve total liberation of the inner self and as a consequence, the total liberation from spiritual and moral constraints.
This volume describes the process followed by the author to create several pieces of Magickal Art, following a Chaos Magick ritual repeated several times in order to find his atavistic primordial self. The result is twenty two paintings filled with the essence of pure Chaos, each one accompanied by a written piece inspired by it. Path of Atavistic Violence is the result of the perfect marriage between Chaos Magick and cathartic Art.
Path of Atavistic Violence is a high-quality, full colored title, available only as a Deluxe volume limited to 80 hand-numbered copies.
Текст книги представлен на АНГЛИЙСКОМ и ФРАНЦУЗСКОМ языках.
Книга |
Продавец |
Консультация |
крупное фото
руб |
продам |
2 марта 2025
состояние |
год выпуска |
2015 |
город |
комментарий владельца:
Path of Atavistic Violence
Издательство: Fallofman
Переплет: твердый; 68 страниц; 2015 г.
ISBN: 978-5-325-69897-8; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
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город: |
, Россия |
зарегистрирован: |
8 марта 2019 |
последний визит: |
4 марта 2025 |
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(за 2019 год)
Suus cuique mos. Suum quique. Meus mihi, suus cuique carus.
Аurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi.
Sapienti sat.
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