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The Spider and the Green Butterfly: Vodoun Crossroads of Power

"This text is perhaps the most dangerous to ever be put in print. Its rituals unlock doors that cannot be shut, its symbols and incantations conjure spirits that can never be exorcised, and the whole of your life and being will become a gateway between the worlds. Study this text, take notes, discuss it and dissect it, but unless you wish to be swept into the blackest ocean by the uncasing current of Vodoun, do not practice from this book, not once, not to see if it works or to use even a minor ritual for your benefit. The moment you do, this world will no longer be yours. " - The Spider & the Green Butterfly A very dark modern-day grimoire of black magick, evocation and sorcery, which teaches the dark magick practices of the Vodoun (or Voudon) current, as practiced in Haiti by the Cult of the Spider, and the Cult of the Green Butterfly. If you dare to tread along this path, then through this book, Koetting & DePrince will teach you, the art of Vodoun: of crossing over, and working with powerful spirits and Loa; of consecration & preparation; of drawing veves; of the different strands and rites; of protecting yourself from enemies, and baneful influences; and of casting spells and curses, and making powerful concoctions. This book resulted from a manuscript, which was delivered by the Vodoun Priest Baron DePrince to Koetting, who was then given the task of working & deciphering it, and translating it, into a form that could be published, and used by others. Every chapter was sent to Haiti, to be reviewed by a counsel of Master Houngans, who preside over the network of clandestine Vodoun Societies. This book contains rites & practices, which could be dangerous, & is not for novices, so beware!

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продам 16 февраля 2025
состояние 5
год выпуска 2009
город Москва
жанры черная магия и колдовство
практическая магия

комментарий владельца:
The Spider and the Green Butterfly: Vodoun Crossroads of Power
Издательство: Eternal Ascent Publications
Переплет: твердый; 145 страниц; 2009 г.
ISBN: 978-0-615-31075-6; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский

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