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Hell Portal Magick

How to create and use a doorway to hell.


Creating a permanent or semi-permanent "Hell portal" out of various openings in a special space in your house such as an unused cupboard, pantry, closet, etc...
The rite to open the gateway to Hell
Creating a Hell portal at remote locations such as caves and sewers
The rite to open the gateway to Hell in a remote location
Creating a portable portal to Hell
The rite to open the gateway to Hell
Performing various forms of magick using the Hell portal
Candle magick for more money
Calling forth beings through the portal from Hell into the world
Calling Lucifer the king of Hell through the portal onto Earth
Calling Beelzebub through the portal onto Earth
Calling Asmodeus through the portal onto Earth
Calling Berith through the portal onto Earth
Calling Astaroth through the portal onto Earth
Calling Verrine through the portal onto Earth
Calling Gressil through the portal onto Earth
Calling Sonneillon through the portal onto Earth
Calling Carreau through the portal onto Earth
Calling Carnivale through the portal onto Earth
Calling Oeillet through the portal onto Earth
Calling Rosier through the portal onto Earth
Calling Belias through the portal onto Earth
Calling Olivier through the portal onto Earth
Causing things or situations to "appear" (materialize) in the world by way of the Hell portal
How to make an item from Hell appear in the physical world
"Charging" or "enchanting" items using the Hell portal
How to cast spells using the Hell portal
Magick spell to have greater power
Magick spell to be ruthless
Magick spell to get a person to act shamelessly
Cursing your enemies by way of the Hell portal
Simple method of using a Hell portal
Protection with the Hell portal
The attacking curse of the unholy trinity
Using the portable Hell portal for a curse
Leaving "petitions" (written requests) to specific devils and demons inside of the Hell portal for them to carry out

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добавил(a): warlock   (Андрей) 15000 RUB руб
продам 29 декабря 2024
состояние 5
год выпуска 2015
город Москва
жанры черная магия и колдовство
практическая магия

комментарий владельца:
Hell Portal Magick
Издательство: Solar-Vision Publishing
Переплет: мягкий; 44 страниц; 2015 г.
Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский

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Sapienti sat.

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