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Enter Mo Pai: The Ancient Training of the Immortals

Enter Mo Pai: The Ancient Training of the Immortals dives into the world of Mo Pai, a legendary internal cultivation system that has been secretly handed down by successions of meditation masters for well over 2,000 years. The path of Mo Pai develops the practitioner in the present life, but also ascends the practitioner in status with regards to the afterlife. In the present life, the goal of Mo Pai is to develop supernatural abilities capable of aiding an individual both in self-defense and in the rejuvenation of the physical body. Concerning the afterlife, the true master of Mo Pai reserves the ability to consciously navigate their soul after the death of the physical body, freeing themselves from the continuous cycle of death and rebirth.

The greatest Mo Pai practitioner on Earth today, Master John Chang, has publicly displayed his extraordinary developments to the world by performing many spectacular abilities on video such as electrokinesis, pyrokinesis, levitation, suspended animation, and telekinesis.

In order to attain supernatural capacities, this ancient training augments the innate potential of the human body through gathering and harnessing the two fundamental life-force energies known as Yin Chi and Yang Chi. These two energies are abundant in nature and play an important role in sustaining the human body. Developing these vital energies to levels that many would consider unnatural, the Mo Pai student quickly gains an edge when compared to the average human.

Included in this book is an analysis of the Mo Pai training and the techniques used for gathering, manipulating, and finally combining the two fundamental vital energies of Yang Chi and Yin Chi.

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продам 16 февраля 2025
состояние 5
год выпуска 2015
город Москва
жанры даосские практики
даосская алхимия

комментарий владельца:
Enter Mo Pai: The Ancient Training of the Immortals
Издательство: James Van Gelder
Переплет: мягкий; 162 страниц; 2015 г.
ISBN: 978-0-9961929-0-3; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский

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