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The Ghosts of Hell: How to Create a Poltergeist to Torment Your Enemies
Carl Nagel
From the Author Carl Nagel:
Poltergeists (noisy, invisible ghosts) have been around for centuries. In 1847 someone (or some thing) kept knocking on the door of the house occupied by the Weekman family of Hydesville, New York - but there was never anybody there. These poltergeists are not only noisy, they can be mischief-makers. They can make telephones and televisions run amok, and delight in hiding keys and jewelry. They can even make people trip and fall for no apparent reason.
A popular theory emerged last century that poltergeist activity was caused by a frustrated or unhappy teenager (usually a girl), whose psychic powers had somehow became magnified and uncontrollable, and that once the teen was calmed down and her frustrations resolved, the poltergeist activity would end.
However, not all causes of such manifestations of poltergeist activity is so easily explained. Some are transient thought forms brought into existence through the creative energies of the Invisible World, around which our own world is formed. It is Heaven and Hell. A world of Darkness and Light. Of Gods and Devils.
The inhabitants of this Invisible World can create situations that take us beyond our own reality: making the unreal seemingly real.
The technique behind the creation of thought forms is something that can be learned, mastered and used by any man or woman willing to make the effort, and is a proven fact.
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12 января 2025
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The Ghosts of Hell: How to Create a Poltergeist to Torment Your Enemies
Издательство: Starlight Books
Переплет: отсутствует; 4 страниц; 2011 г.
Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
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