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Consciousness and Immortality

Consciousness and Immortality: Spiritual Knowledge for Managing Our Destiny in the Afterlife of Eternity.

This book describes the anatomical layers of the human mind. Modern neuroscience and psychology define consciousness in terms of the physical brain. As a result, materialistic science has no information to give us about our mind and personality in the afterlife of eternity. You will find a very different approach in this book, which is based on theistic psychology. Using simple to understand diagrams, charts, and exercises, the book explains the full development of the immortal human personality from birth to the afterlife of eternity. The physical brain is temporary and then dies, while the mind and personality are spiritual and immortal. Details about the two-day dying-resuscitation procedure and the conditions of life in eternity are based on the empirical observations of Swedenborg who enjoyed dual consciousness for twenty-seven years. There is hardly anything that can be more important to us than learning how we can control the quality of our afterlife in eternity. The main ideas of theistic psychology are introduced and their amazing scope is presented and illustrated, as for instance: (1) that our mind and personality are substantial organs in our true body, which is spiritual and immortal; (2) that a woman's consciousness of the world and her environment is created by feminine loves and feminine intelligence, while a man's consciousness is created by masculine loves and masculine intelligence; (3) that "dying" is a two-day resuscitation process of being permanently disconnected from the physical body on earth, after which we "awaken" and continue our life in eternity with the immortal true body; (4) that we then seek out and settle in one of the numerous afterlife societies that we freely select because the personality and outlook of its inhabitants are most compatible with our own personality and outlook; (5) that people in all afterlife societies live as married couples, in heavenly communities being conjoined soulmates, while in hellish communities couples are intimate enemies who yet feel compelled to live with each other; (6) that if we are willing to undergo regeneration of our inherited personality and make new lifestyle choices now, then in the afterlife we can control our eternal destiny as to whether we will choose to settle in a happy heavenly community or in a noxious hellish one. Scientific theories and philosophical doctrines are based on assumptions and conjectures of that which cannot be observed physically. Theistic psychology is based on Sacred Scripture, which presents God's instruction to both our lower natural mind and to our higher rational mind. The literal meaning of the verses is addressed to our natural mind through historical events and commandments of worship and behavior. This literal meaning of Sacred Scripture is used for the establishment of religion. Theistic psychology is not related to religion, although both are related to Sacred Scripture and God. God has traditionally been associated with religion, but since the discovery that there is a hidden psychological science in every verse of God's Word, a new theistic science became evident that deals with the universal psychology of regeneration as instructed by God directly in the symbolic sense of Sacred Scripture. Clearly, God gives cultural religion for the natural mind, but theistic psychology for the rational mind. Leon James has written more than a dozen books on theistic psychology. The current book focuses on mental anatomy and personality development in its totality from birth to immortal eternity in the afterlife. To know what are the anatomical layers of human consciousness allows us to navigate through mental eternity and thus to control our immortal destiny, whether it is to be happy and enhancing forever, or else tragic and limiting forever.

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добавил(a): warlock   (Андрей) 150000 RUB руб
продам 16 февраля 2025
состояние 5
год выпуска 2018
город Москва
жанры Мистика. Эзотерика. Самосовершенствование
Парапсихология. Мистика
духовное развитие

комментарий владельца:
Consciousness and Immortality
Издательство: Independently published
Переплет: мягкий; 334 страниц; 2018 г.
ISBN: 978-1-73089-026-0; Формат: энциклопедический
Язык: английский

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зарегистрирован: 8 марта 2019
последний визит: 21 февраля 2025
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Sapienti sat.

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