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The Satanic Scriptures
Peter H. Gilmore
The Satanic Scriptures hands down the wit, wisdom and diabolical perspective of the Church of Satan's High Priest, Magus Peter H. Gilmore. These essays, articles and diatribes have been collected from over twenty years of the High Priest's writings for his infernal cabal, some first issued in the pages of publications available only to insiders. From the magic of toys to techniques of time travel, Magus Gilmore leads the reader down a Left-Hand Path where few will find what they expect.
Why is Satanism the Feared Religion?
Is it Satanic to be a fascist?
Same-sex marriage–would it be acceptable in a United Satanic America?
What do Satanists think about terrorism, and where do they lay the blame?
The answers may surprise you.
Magus Gilmore reveals principles of Satanic Ritual in a frank discussion of forbidden rites. What is a Satanic Funeral? How do Satanists marry? Find out now, as these unholy ceremonies have never before been disclosed outside of the Church of Satan's Hellish Hierarchy. Here is the philosophy for those bold enough to be their own Gods-or Devils.
This new tenth anniversary edition of The Satanic Scriptures adds a new essay: "Walpurgisnacht LI A. S. " This is the address High Priest Peter H. Gilmore gave to the assembled members of a secret event celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Church of Satan.
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2 марта 2025
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2016 |
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комментарий владельца:
The Satanic Scriptures
Издательство: Underworld Amusements
Переплет: мягкий; 308 страниц; 2016 г.
ISBN: 978-1-943687-08-4; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
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Suus cuique mos. Suum quique. Meus mihi, suus cuique carus.
Аurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi.
Sapienti sat.
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